Thursday, April 19, 2007

Buehrle a walk away from perfect

My favourite White Sox lefty Mark Buerhle walked onto the mound last night against the Texas Rangers and made quick work of them; so quick that he forgot to allow a hit. He almost forgot to allow a baserunner but Sammy Sosa fixed that by drawing a walk. This no-no is the first for the White Sox since Wilson Alvarez tossed a gem back in 1991. But there are two things that I find funny about the whole turn of events.

If Sammy Sosa didn’t get walked, Buerhle’s no hitter would’ve been a perfect game. Doesn’t this just add fuel to the entire-city-of-Chicago-hates-Sosa fire? I think he should’ve just swung wildly to appease the crowd.

Where did they get the beer to shower Buerhle with and how’d they get it so quickly? Beer and drink service stops after a certain inning which means they must have had it in the clubhouse. Is there a better clubhouse to be in other than the one that has cold beer on hand? I think not.

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